Wednesday, May 16, 2012

welcome to our islamic site

Hazrat-e Mohammad(Pbuh) is the last Prophet of God who brought a book and a set of laws and Moslems believe in his religion, Islam. Hazrat-e Mohammad(Pbuh) was born among Bani Hashim family of Quraysh which was known as the dearest Arab family, 53 years before Hegira, in Mecca. His father’s name was Abdullah and his mother’s Aminah. He lost his father and mother in early childhood and his grandfather Abd Al-Muttalib took complete charge of him. Two years after the death of his mother, the orphan was bereaved once again, this time of his grandfather. When he was dying, Abd Al-Muttlib ceded guardianship of his grandson to his son Abu Taleb. Mohammad’s uncle, Abu Taleb, offered the same warm affection and kindness to his nephew Mohammad and protected him from his enemies of Quraysh. His wife, Fatimah Bint Assad, tried to be as kind as a boy’s mother to him.

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